Tim Ebling
Tim Ebling has decades of professional experience in the game and feature film industries, and has taken on roles from engineering and art to music composition and direction. He has contributed to feature films such as Avatar (director: James Cameron) and video games such as Destiny 2 (Bungie).
See my full credits on IMDb:
Contact Tim: snarglefraz@gmail.com

(arriving 2025) Luminaria
Composed and produced by Tim Ebling
Vocals performed by Julie Elven (julieelven.com)
Flute performed by Sara Andon (sara-andon.com)
Violin performed by Elizabeth Dickenson (more info)
Guitar performed by Justin Smith (justinsmithguitar.com)
Orchestration by Geoffrey Pope (geoffreypopemusic.com)
Strings performed by Budapest Scoring (budapestscoring.com)
Mixed by Michael Charles McDonald at SynthArts